Let's Make Some Changes

This time of year is always reminder of something we don't think about it very much , just this that Spring is coming and we start a new year. By passing each year we approache to it more and more , rather in fact by passing each day ,each minute and each second !

Something we all face it, no escape of it .No one  knows when will face it...  maybe now....maybe next year or... . It's what is mentioned in Quran 145 times and in contrast there is Life , which is mentioned 145 times too .

But What we did to face  it? had you been a good person up to this time?

 As starting of a year is a symbol of transformation and change , Let's go along with spring and  promise to change ourself ...although we can't change what we did in the past but  it's never too late to change...

Let's  be Good

Happy Birthday To Me

The days pass one after another ... and it comes ... a day which is named Birthday . It's your special Holiday but it's not new to you as it was erstwhile.

Have you ever had this feeling? When nothing make you happy any more...
I don't know whether I should be Thankful to God for this or not...


Can Friendship Lead To Marriage?

Probably You have heared that during the time of your ancestors some of them had never seen and talk to each other even till their wedding !And it is interesting that their wedlock had been lasting.

But now it has changed because it is not 100 years ago ! The society , the culture ,degree of education and people's opinion toward marriage has changed .You should marry to one who is more similar to you from all viewpoints and it required to know each other very well  before marriage.

But do you think it should be start with friendship? Do you think long-term friendship can lead to lasting marriage?

Please write your Opinion.


Ayob e nabi's Shrine

Of totall 120000 prophet , 31 of them are buried in Iran. such as : Danial e nabi in Khozestan , Younes in Gonabad , Saleh in Shoshtar and...

A question which has made my mind busy is  that why several shrines are assigned to one prophet in several cities. for example , last year when i went on pilgrimage  to Marvdasht to visit Ayob e nabi's shrine , i noticed there was assigned to him and in addition to that , there is another shrine  assigned to him in Gonabad located in Bojnord.

There is disagreement about it and several shrines are assigned to him but the most famous is in Helleh that is 10 kilometer to Iraq. another one is in Bokhara , located in south of Uzbakistan .

Based on available evidence , he was lived in Aus (عوص  in persian) ,located in northwest of Arabia and there is no information based on his migration or travel to East. therefore , the shrine located in south of  Helleh is regarded more , because it is nearer to his hometown.

After all , there are disagreement about  some  prophets' shrine too. do you know why there is no ditinct shrine for  some of theme?

Happy Norouz

Discussion 1

Hi there

Please write your opinion

+ The  Previous post : " Do You Know " will be completed after Norouz .


Hello everybody

I'm going to write some posts in my blog under this topic : Discussion

Actually It would be a picture ... some times a question, and i ask you to write whatever cross your mind by looking at the picture and also write your opinion about the others' point of view

Have a nice time

Do You Know?

Hi there

Do you know whose shrine is here?

I'm going to write about it....

What Do You Know About Persian Painting?

(the two paintings are used in this post are from Mirzaghalamdoon.blogfa.com)

I didn't know exactly which kind of painting is called Persian Painting.My guess was that only drawings and paintings drawn on some historical places are included among Persian painting.therefore i decided to get some information about it. this post is a summary of what i read about.

Persian painting is said to the various methods and styles of Iran traditional and ancient painting.this art includes paintings which are in religious,literary and historical books like marginal illustration and paintings on the wall of national monument.

The history of it goes back to thousand years before the birth of Christ and in the remnants remained of human residence in caves and paintings on crockery.We have not borrow this from any country, as i mentioned Persian painting is said to Iranian ancient painting that has gotten special characteristics by passing time and affected by environment cultural influence and cause to generate various styles of this art like Harat style, Esfahan style, baghdad style and ...  that each one has its particular characteristics.

Persian painting is called mistakenly Miniature but do you know the differences between these two?

Miniature is an abbreviation for a french word, mini-natur, means small and delicate nature.therefore Miniature is said to the pictures or forms are made in small measure or small paintings that are used  fal-lal for drawing them. In Iran, ancient and new paintings which have characteristics of traditional painting, without following of Europe methods are called Persian painting.

This is an art which the viewer needs to have insight in order to understand the intrinsic concept of the painting, the cocept in  painter's mind  that made him/her to paint.

When we look at a Persian painting , the trees are visualized from ahead, buildings in profile, human full faced, pool and rug from above to give the viewer  proper perception of things. That is one of the advantages of Persian Painting.

Happy Birthday Mom

If there was an award called the "World's Best Mother" , you would win it every single year.

Happy Birthday To The Best Mom Ever!



ادامه نوشته

Which Song? Which Singer?

Do you like listening to music? Are you among those who take their hands free with  themselves where ever they go?which type of music do you like more? pop? classic? or folk music? which singer's voice do you like more?

I like to listen to music every day, especially gloomy and gentle. i like pop music and meaningful songs. have you ever listened to a song over and over and it is still new for you? which song has been memorable for you?

I like these songs :

ta hala shode__Babak jahanbakhsh

azab mikesham__Pouya bayati

setare__Hamid askari

doset daram__Babak jahanbakhsh

gerye dar maah_Benyamin bahadori

nabashi_Mohsen yeganeh

Today Is My Birthday

Today, the 3th of Azar, Sunday is my birthday. Life goes so fast...Another year of my life passed and i became 26-year old

How do you feel in the anniversary of your birthday? are you happy or sad?

i don't have special feeling in this day.neither happy nor sad.something between these two.something like homesickness.i don't know the reason.i like to be alone and  think about the past,about all i did in past, thinking about wishes and desires i have reached up to now and things i have not reached. also i think about  the gifts God has given  to me.i thank God for giving me another chance to live.i thank God for forgiving all my sins.i thank God for giving good parents to me

Also i think about future and what  would  happen to me...

i really like the season which i was born in.i am crazy about the color of  leaves...red...yellow...orange

look at this nice picture of leaves...

Is Anyone Listening To My Prayers?

When a lot of trouble happen to your life...
when you knock on every door... but all are closed...
you have no recourse...
you pray, you have recourse to Imams, but non of these change anything.
is any one listening to my prayers?
have you ever been in this situation?

Kimono , Japanese Traditional Clothing

I like Japanese women's traditional clothing  and I was eager to get some information about it.

What you are reading is a summery of what I have read about it. I translated it into English.

Kimono in Japanese consists of 2 parts : Ki , means wear and Mono means a thing. Therefore kimono literally means a thing to wear. The history of it that remained along time without a major change and retains its authenticity, goes back to Han period (794-1192).

Ladies' kimono is mainly silk and the pants are worn under it are in cheery and bright colors. Button is not used in kimono. It is fastened by a wide silk shawl which is beautified by design and it is called Obey , meaning belt. Its sleeves are long and wide and they are used as  a pocket. So ladies put their handkerchief and purse  that are made of gold-tissue cloth in them.

Since wearing this clothing needs particular skill, its training is done by grandmothers and grand fathers .

 the Type of makeup and the way of tying the belt , separate women and girls from each other. Women have short hair while girls have long and bang hair and this difference in hairdressing is a sign of marriage among them.

The main use of it is in tea ceremony and wedding . how to walk, sit, rise and etiquette in this clothing is very special and specific. Short, deliberate steps has strange effects in women chastity. How to sit is the main etiquette issue in it that is called Yas Za. Due to tie shawl, body should be quite straight and it should never be bent!

Nowadays there are special schools that teach traditional lifestyle related to kimono to fans.

I Am Very Sad Today

Photography, The King Of Hobbies

This art is called Photography in most languages of world which is consists of 2  Greek words : photo , means light and Graphy means record. therefore photography means recording by light.
I am An amateur photographer and i  have started it since 3 years ago. Most of photos i have taken are of the nature because the sights of nature ease me up....i like to have photos of nature to look at when i am not in good mood or when i am sad. i think all of the colors in nature are unique. you can not find a similar one built by human.
Every one has a favorite thing...maybe you like painting, knitting or other hobbies,  i like third of them too but i like photography a little more and wherever i go , i  will took my camera with myself.
Each photo has thousands of words to say and it depends on viewer's sight.
some of my photography works...

I Think I Am Ugly!

Probably you have friends or relatives who are looking at their face in mirror  all time and using types of cosmetics or maybe you are one of these people ! they complains about their appearance constantly:

Do you think I am ugly?

My nose is too big!

My skin has wrinkles.

I will become beautiful if I do cosmetic surgery.

Nowadays the number of people doing cosmetic surgery are increasing and interestingly when you take a look at a beauty physicians' office you see many of surgery applicants don't have important problem by their body or face. What statistics show, only 3% of nose surgeries has medical reasons.

That is what I am going to write about, a mental disorder called Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) which is more common among women. The patient becomes extremely sensitive about her/his appearance. He/ she thinks he is ugly and for retrieving he do many surgery and overuses cosmetics.

Maybe it have came about your own when  you see a beautiful person in a movie or a party and you thought you are really ugly! but how do you  overcome the feeling I am ugly?


You are unique. Your eyes, your face, the color of your skin , even your moral character and your personality  are unique. You are who you are. there is no one else in this world like you. Try to push negative thoughts to the back of your mind. Be positive about yourself and life. If you believe you are beautiful you will be. we will become similar each other when we get old ! your beauty will vanish.

Have you ever think if you change your hair style or if you wear well-shaped clothes you will be very beautiful? Give it a try!

I am satisfied with what God has given me. I am always comfortable with how I look. How about you?

A Poor Man

This is a story i read in Garegin Fataee's blog and i translated it into English. i put it's link at the end of the text.)

There were a poor man whose wife made butter in round shape and each were 1 kg.He sold it to one of city grocers and he bought every thing they need in return.
One day the grocer doubt and he decided to weight it to find that whether it is 1kg or not.when he weighted ,it was 900 g .he became angry and in the next day he said to poor man : i would not buy your butter after this.you said it is 1 kg whereas it is 900g. the poor man saddened and said to him  head down :we don't have a scale to weight it. we bought you 1 kg sugar and we used it as a scale to weight.
Be Sure That We Measure  For You In Measure Of Yourself. Quoted by Fukaro

Link : http://www.garegin.blogfa.com/post-2178.aspx

Divorce Is Not The Only Solution

Statistics show that Divorce is increasing and there are many reasons that make couples to divorce.There are many people who get married hoping to change their spouse personality.and when they find that it's impossible, they get to divorce.
A person's personality is a collection of various characteristic which is mostly unchangeable and it shapes in her/him childhood.therefore  changing some one's personality is almost impossible and it happens rarely. but a person's  behavior is changeable affected by condition and environment.
probably you  have heard this : Open your eyes well before marriage and close them after marriage. but do we perform in this manner?
it is completely natural that by passing time, your enthusiasm will decrease compared to the early days of dating and marriage and it is when couples start to look for excuse and niggle.none of them are wiling to relent and ignore her/him pride and the married life becomes a battlefield!
When we look at the reasons for their separation, we found that all problems are started from a petty and unimportant matter and unfortunately their families' meddling add fuel to fire and move forward separation  process faster.there are many couples who  realize their wrong decision immediately after divorce and they will regret but it's too late . think about children who fall a victim only because of their parents self-serving decision .who will be responsible for their future life and the problems which they will face after separation?
REMEMBER NO ONE IS PERFECT , and marriage is a way to become perfect. divorce is not the only solution, it's just erasing the terms of a problem,it's the easiest way to solve a problem.no problem is insoluble .many of married life problems will be solved by talking.