دنیای زبان انگلیسی ( بهروزپور )

لغات و اصطلاح .داستان کوتاه . شعر.جوک .ضرب المثل.اشپزی.رمان. نمایشنامه.متن دوزبانه

دنیای زبان انگلیسی ( بهروزپور )

لغات و اصطلاح .داستان کوتاه . شعر.جوک .ضرب المثل.اشپزی.رمان. نمایشنامه.متن دوزبانه





The imperative in English

Use the infinitive to form the imperative.

affirmative sentencesnegative sentences

Come here.

Don't come now.

Clean the bathroom.

Don't clean the living room.

Help your father.

Don't play on the computer.

Use the exclamation only when you want to make an exclamation, e.g. Stop! Help!

The imperative with let's:


affirmative sentences

negative sentences

Let's ask the teacher. 


Let's not ask the teacher.


rain rain go away - original art 


 sometimes it pays to cry all day
sometimes it doesn't.
sometimes this childhood mantra is the best way to get through the day.
if you repeat it enough, it happens.




Eating for a Long Life

Why Fish Is Brain Food

Top your salad with tuna or salmon instead of chicken. Fish has been called "brain food" because its fatty acids, DHA and EPA, are important to brain and nervous system development. Eating fish one to two times a week may also lower the risk of dementia. Omega-3 fats found in fatty fish can lower cholesterol and triglycerides. It can also help ease the inflammation that leads to atherosclerosis. 



The Value of Eating Vegetables

Veggies contain fiber, phytonutrients, and loads of vitamins and minerals that may protect you from chronic diseases. Dark, leafy greens contain vitamin K for strong bones. Sweet potatoes and carrots contain vitamin A, which helps keep eyes and skin healthy and protects against infection. In one study, men eating 10 or more servings of tomato products per week saw a 35% decrease in their risk of prostate cancer. 






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Determiners: Some, Any

Determiners: Some, Any

Some = a little, a few or a small number or amount

Any = one, some or all

Usually, we use some in positive (+) sentences and any in negative (-) and question (?) sentences.

+I have some money. I have $10.
- I don't have any money.I don't have $1 and I don't have $10 and I don't have $1,000,000. I have $0.
? Do you have any money?Do you have $1 or $10 or $1,000,000?


In general, we use something/anything and somebody/anybody in the same way as some/any.

ادامه مطلب ...

لحظه های زیبا در زندگی ۷

همیشه بهترین آینده بر پایه گذشته ای فراموش شده بنا می شود
نمیتوانی در زندگی پیشرفت کنی
مگر غمها و اشتباهات گذشته را رها نکنی

The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past
You can't go forward in life until
You let go of your past failures and heartaches 



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وقتی که به دنیا آمدی، تو گریه می کردی
و اطرافیانت لبخند به لب داشتند

آنگونه باش که در پایان زندگی
تو تنها کسی باشی که لبخند بر لب داری
و اطرافیانت گریه می کنند

When you were born, you were crying
And everyone around you was smiling
Live your life so at the end
Youre the one who is smiling and everyone
Around you is crying 





