دنیای زبان انگلیسی ( بهروزپور )

لغات و اصطلاح .داستان کوتاه . شعر.جوک .ضرب المثل.اشپزی.رمان. نمایشنامه.متن دوزبانه

دنیای زبان انگلیسی ( بهروزپور )

لغات و اصطلاح .داستان کوتاه . شعر.جوک .ضرب المثل.اشپزی.رمان. نمایشنامه.متن دوزبانه


The New Year

(House cleaning; Heart cleaning!)


A poem by Samaneh Nazerian  


The old is going, let him go,

The new, ringing out across the snow!

Look at the sky,

Spring draws nigh!

It’s playing lyre,

For us seeking our household fire!

Warmth is knocking at the door,

Winter is shaken to the core!

Heart of nature is quickening,

Pairs of birds are on the wing!

Let’s ring in the new,

And turn to the True!

Give up hostility, brutality,

Observe highest human dignity!

When we are dressing the part,

Off the False, clean our heart!

Keep our heart off sorrow,

Keep in mind life is wow! 

Let heart get cleaned up,

Just right to the top,

Fill it in the New Year,

With divine love, my dear! 


سال نو مبارک



happy new year




Spring cleaning and visiting one another

Spring cleaning, or Khouneh Tekouni (literally means 'shaking the house') or 'complete cleaning of the house' is commonly performed before Nowruz. Persians and other Indo-Iranian groups (Kurds, Azarbaijanis and Balochs) start preparing for the Nowruz with a major spring-cleaning of their houses, the purchase of new clothes to wear for the new year and the purchase of flowers (in particular the hyacinth and the tulip are popular and conspicuous).

In association with the "rebirth of nature", extensive spring-cleaning is a national tradition observed by almost every household in Iran. This is also extended to personal attire, and it is customary to buy at least one set of new clothes. On the New Year's Day, families dress in their new clothes and start the twelve-day celebrations by visiting the elders of their family, then the rest of their family and finally their friends. On the thirteenth day families leave their homes and picnic outdoors.

During the Nowruz holidays, people are expected to visit one another (mostly limited to families, friends and neighbors) in the form of short house visits, which are usually reciprocated. Typically, on the first day of Nowruz, family members gather around the table, with the Haft Seen on the table or set next to it, and await the exact moment of the arrival of the spring. At that time gifts are exchanged. Later in the day, the first house visits are paid to the most senior family members. Typically, the youth will visit the elders first, and the elders return their visit later. When in previous year, a family member is deceased, the tradition is to visit that family first (among the elders). The visits naturally have to be relatively short, otherwise one will not be able to visit everybody on their list. A typical visit is around 30 minutes, where you often run into other visiting relatives and friends who happen to be paying a visit to the same house at that time. Because of the house visits, you make sure you have a sufficient supply of pastry, cookies, fresh and dried fruits and special nuts on hand, as you typically serve your visitors with these items with tea or sherbet. Many Iranians will throw large Nowruz parties in a central location as a way of dealing with the long distances between groups of friends and family.

Some Nowruz celebrants believe that whatever a person does on Nowruz will affect the rest of the year. So, if a person is warm and kind to their relatives, friends and neighbors on Nowruz, then the new year will be a good one. On the other hand, if there are fights and disagreements, the year will be a bad one. As an extended tradition to the holiday, men may or may not choose to shave their faces until the night of the "New Day" as a sign of removal of old habits and tendencies and the rebirth of their faith and being.

One tradition that may not be very widespread (that is, it may belong to only a few families) is to place something sweet, such as honey or candy, in a safe place outside overnight. On the first morning of the new year, the first person up brings the sweet stuff into the house as another means of attaining a good new year. 



قسمتی ازشعر معروفش ترانهٔ عاشقانهٔ جی. آلفرد پرافراک

قسمتی ازشعر معروفش ترانهٔ عاشقانهٔ جی. آلفرد پرافراک
پس بیا برویم، تو و من،
وقتی غروب افتاده در افق
بی‌هوش چون بیماری روی تخت
بیا برویم، از این خیابان‌های تاریک و پرت
از کنج بگو مگویِِ شب‌های بی‌خوابی
در هتل‌های ارزانِ یک شبه
و رستوران‌هایی که زمین‌اش،
پوشیده از خاک‌اره و پوست صدف‌هاست:
از خیابان‌هایی که کشدارند مثل بحث‌های ملال‌آور
که با لحنی موذیانه
تو را به سوی پرسشی عظیم می‌برند...
نه، نپرس، که چیست؟
بیا به قرارمان برسیم

زنان می‌آیند و می‌روند در اتاق
حرف می‌زنند در باره‌ی میکل‌آنژ
این زردْ مه که پشت به شیشه‌های پنجره می‌مالد
این زردْ دود که پوزه به شیشه‌های پنجره می‌مالد
گوش و کنار شب را لیسید
بر چاله‌های آب درنگید
تا دوده‌ی دودکش‌های فضا را بر پشت گرفت
لغزید به مهتابی و ناگهان شتاب گرفت
اما شبِ آرام اکتبر را که دید
گشتی به دور خانه زد و خوابید
وقت هست ٱری وقت هست
تا زردْ دود در خیابان پایین و بالا رود
و پشت به شیشه‌های پنجره بمالد؛
وقت هست، آری وقت هست
تا چهره‌ای بسازی برای دیدن چهره‌هایی که خواهی دید
وقت هست برای کشتن و آفریدن،
برای همه‌ی کارها و برای روزها، دست‌ها
تا بالا روند و پرسشی دربشقاب تو بگذارند؛
وقت برای تو و وقت برای من،
وقت برای صدها طرح و صدها تجدید‌نظر در طرح

ادامه مطلب ...

The Love-Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

The Love-Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

By T.S. Eliot



Let us go then, you and I,
When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient etherized upon a table;
Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,
The muttering retreats
Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
Streets that follow like a tedious argument
Of insidious intent
To lead you to an overwhelming question. . .                               10
Oh, do not ask, "What is it?"
Let us go and make our visit.

  In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
  The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes
The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes
Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening
Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,
Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,
Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,                               20
And seeing that it was a soft October night
Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.

ادامه مطلب ...