one day my sister asked me to create an account in yahoo, I thought sparrow is a good name for her she didn't know the meaning of it then after 5 years she I found out the meaning and she sweared at me for at least 1 hour I guess cause I told her that sparrow is kind of eagle and she was so proud of it
one day my sister asked me to create an account in yahoo, I thought sparrow is a good name for her
she didn't know the meaning of it then after 5 years she I found out the meaning and she sweared at me for at least 1 hour I guess cause I told her that sparrow is kind of eagle and she was so proud of it
I try to be good but ..
واقعا . جالب بود ممنونم
thanks dear
سلام.ممنون که به ما سر زدید و اظهار لطف فرمودید.لینک شدید
باتشکر.بازم بهم سربزنید ممنون
دم شما گرم...
I don't know some of these even in Farsi
حتما معنی شونو هم مینویسم